quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013


O QUE HÁ DE NOVO NO AMOR (Portugal, 2011)
Directed by: Mónica Baptista, Hugo Martins, Tiago Nunes, Hugo Alves, Rui Santos and Patrícia Raposo
Production: Rosa Filmes
With: Joana Santos, João Pedro Sousa, Nuno Casanovas, Miguel Raposo, David Cabecinha, Inês Vaz
121 min
Portuguese, English and Hebrew subtitles

Synopsis: Six love stories–each directed by a different director– of six friends who meet every evening in a basement to write and play music. During daytime, however, there are no rehearsals for what life brings them and each endeavour leaves its marks. Rita (Joana Santos) leaves her boyfriend, is found by another, but she still feels lost. Eduardo (Miguel Raposo) thinks he no longer loves his girlfriend only to find out the hard way that he can’t turn the clock aback. João (David Cabecinha) lacks the courage to break up with his girlfriend and takes refuge in the song he’s writing for Inês (Inês Vaz). Marco (João Pedro Sousa) struggles for the love of another boy, but he has no illusions or fantasies. Samuel (Nuno Casanovas) believes in everlasting love but something seems to be wrong because his friends haven’t heard from him for sometime. Attempting to feel safe, Inês likes to experiment and is waiting to see how things go with João.  In the meantime the band is falling apart...

Official competition Raindance London 2011. Official selection IndieLisboa 2011. São Paulo International Film Festival 2011.

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